Hard reset extended edition cheat table
Hard reset extended edition cheat table

  1. Hard reset extended edition cheat table full#
  2. Hard reset extended edition cheat table code#
  3. Hard reset extended edition cheat table Pc#
  4. Hard reset extended edition cheat table free#

Note 4: Enclose the destination name in parenthesis if it contains a space.

Hard reset extended edition cheat table code#

Changes made to skills using this code will not affect your character's level progression in the same manner as using the " modpcs". For example, " tav magicka 80" will add 80 points of Magicka to your character's base Magicka score. When you use this code to alter Magicka or Fatigue, you are changing the base value of the stat. This works for all statistics and skills including derived stats, such as Magicka and Fatigue. Note 3: For example, enter " tav strength 60" to set your Strength to 60. Note 2: For example, enter " modpca strength, 10" to increase your strength by 10 it will not set it to 10. Raising your skills in this manner will cause you to level up, but will not give you any attribute bonuses when you pick which attributes you want to increase on the level up screen. Note 1: For example, enter " modpcs blade, 10" to increase your blade skill by 10 points it will not set it to 10.

Hard reset extended edition cheat table full#

Set refractive value of the target "0.0" is normal, "0.000001" is invisible, "1.0" is full refraction Increase movement speed by indicated percentage Lock selected door or container with indicated lock levelĭuplicate items click container or NPC, and copy the RefID Unlock Arvak the Skeleton Horse ("Dawnguard" DLC)

Hard reset extended edition cheat table free#

Set to high value to fight "0" to be free Set ownership of target allows you to take it without stealing Then, type one of the following codes and press to activate the corresponding cheat function: Result While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Please let us know about any of the content that does not work below. Most of the content below will still work on the new version, but some of the exploits may have been fixed.

Hard reset extended edition cheat table Pc#

  • The RED TIDE cheat is most likely a reference to the biblical first Plague of Egypt, which turned the water in the Nile to blood and killed all the fish.Note: All of the content below worked on the original PC version of the game.
  • Cheats that spawn units at the Town Center will not work if the player's only Town Center has been upgraded to a Citadel Center.
  • The heroes are Jiao-Long, Shun, Zhi, and Danzhu.Ĭhinese Monks play the wololo sound effect from Age of Empireswhen they convert enemy units. Spawns all Tale of the Dragon heroes at your Town Center. Similar to PANDORAS BOX and ZENOS PARADOX, but with Chinese God Powers included. The heroes are Kastor, Amanra, Ajax, and King Folstag.ġ00,000 of each resource type, sets population limit to 300 (or to the maximum population cap available with a modified game2.8.cfg), unlimited god power uses, 100x build/research speeds. Spawns the heroes from The New Atlantis campaign at your Town Center. Ownership of all units on the map are randomized.Īll buildings on the map become deconstructed. Similar to PANDORAS BOX, but with Atlantean God Powers included. Turns the water red which kills all the fish.Ĭycles through four different light settings. Gives you control of all Mother Nature units on the map, including wild animals, herdables, chickens, Tartarian Spawns, and Skraelings. The heroes are Arkantos, Amanra, Ajax, Odysseus, Chiron, Eitri, Brokk, Reginleif, and Setna. Spawns the heroes from the Fall of the Trident campaign at your Town Center. Spawns a Flying Purple Hippo at your Town Center. Rains down explosive chickens, similar to Meteor. Like Walking Woods but works only on Berry Bushes. Grants you the Walking Berry Bushes god power. Grants you the Lightning Storm, Earthquake, Meteor and Tornado god powers with unlimited uses. Renews god power usage or adds an extra use to all god powers in The Titans. (Note the two spaces between GO! and NOW.) Massively speeds up all time-based functions, making them almost instantaneous.įast game speed. Skips to the next scenario in the campaign.

    Hard reset extended edition cheat table